Marine Calculators, MARGRAM, News & Theory for any crew member in your pocket*This is a Free Offline version of Marine Survey with some Paid features
Marine Calculators, MARGRAM, News & Theory for any crew member in your pocket
*This is a Free Offline version of Marine Survey with some Paid features but a lot of Free content and calculators. If you want to use the Full version, please download Marine Survey Pro -
✅ First Maritime Social Network - Communication between seafarers around the world. Let's create a maritime community. Create your profile, ask questions, answer, share photos, useful files and links
⚓ Crewing Companies:
✅ Application Form sending
✅ Brief Company information page
✅ Vacancies for seamen
? My Documents
✅ Keep all your Marine Documents in one place
✅ Unlimited Documents
✅ Upload pdf and images
✅ 3 month notification before expiry date
? Weather Condition
✅ Weather tracking at sea (material from open source PassageWeather)
⚓ "Partners" Tab
✅ Video courses for seafarers from our partners
? Marine Calculators:
✅ Draft Survey (manual / auto)
✅ Oil Calculator (manual / auto)
✅ ME Power Calculator
✅ Stowage Plan Calculator
✅ ETA Calculator
✅ Slip Calculator
✅ Ballast Calculator (manual / auto)
✅ Cargo Trimming Calculator (manual / auto)
✅ Unit Converter
✅ List Calculator
✅ Interpolation Calculator
✅ Humidity Calculator
✅ Squat & UKC Calculator
✅ Changing Draft and GM Calculator
➡️ Draft Survey Calculator - Manual and automatic calculation of loaded / unloaded cargo
➡️ Oil Calculator - Easy (manual/auto) and fast calculation of Oil on board tank by tank for Engineers.
➡️ ME Power Calculator - Calculation power of Main engine for engineers
➡️ Slip Calculator - Calculator for engineers. Sliding of the propeller in water, i.e. the difference between the actual speed of the ship and the one it would have if the propeller didn't rotate in water, but was screwed into a solid body
➡️ ETA Calculator - Quick calculation of the date and time of the ship's arrival, as well as calculation of speed you have to keep to arrive at a given time
➡️ Stowage Plan Calculator - Calculation of cargo by holds, using SF' of cargo as well as the necessary entries in the port for arrival and departure.
➡️ Ballast calculator - Easy and fast calculation (manual and auto) of ballast water on board. In the APP you need to create a ship and tanks. It is also have possibilities of auto calculation the amount of water in the tank by downloading Tank Tables.
➡️ Cargo Trimming Calculator – Easy Trimming (manual and auto) at the end of loading. Calculation quantity of cargo to be loaded in Cargo Holds at the end of loading and get an even keel or requested trim.
➡️ Unit Converter - Easy unit converter for Stowage Factor, Temperature, Volume, Length, Speed
➡️ Humidity Calculator – Relative Humidity Calculation
➡️ List Calculator – Calculation of heel in degrees for navigators
➡️ Interpolation Calculator – Liner and Bilinear Calculator
➡️ Squat & UKC Calculator – Calculation of Squat and Under Keel Clearance
➡️ Changing Draft and GM Calculator – Change in ship’s draft and GM when entering water with different density
➡️ Theory and Useful content for any crew member
? Marine News:
✅ All important news for seamen
✅ Always be aware of what is happening at sea
?️ Port Log Book:
✅ Fast entries in Port
✅ Entries for mooring / unmooring
✅ Daily port entries
?Video Courses:
✅ Draft Survey
✅ Program Draft Survey
✅ Grain Stability
(Russian language)
?Theory and Useful content:
✅Draft Survey
✅Grain Stability
✅Helicopter Operations
✅Fire Control and LSA
✅Medical First Aid, and more
Content will be constantly updated
? IALA Buoyage System:
✅ IALA Buoyage System for Mariners
✅ Pictures of buoys and rules
✅ Location by regions A and B
? Country Flags:
✅ Countries and their flags graphically
We are constantly adding new features for your convenience.